
Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Cosmetic Solutions for Hair Loss

Candidates for hair replacement are usually men and women plagued with genetic hair loss. Hair replacement is also recommended for those who have lost some (but not all) of their hair as a result of burns or scalp injuries. The following are common cosmetic procedures for hair loss.
Hair transplant
Also called hair grafting, hair transplant is an outpatient surgical hair replacement procedure performed by a licensed dermatological surgeon. In hair grafting, the surgeon removes a portion of hairs and follicles from a specific spot at back of the head, which is called a “donor” site, and transplants them into the balding area of the head, which is called the “recipient” site. The surgeon does this by cutting the “graft”, or the removed hair follicle into tiny segments. Each graft is then transplanted into the waiting recipient sites. The donor sites are closed with stitches. But don’t worry, because the stitches won’t be visible as they’ll be gradually covered up by your surrounding hair. After grafting and stitching, the scalp will be cleaned thoroughly and covered with gauze or a bandage. You’ll need to come back to your surgeon to have your stitches removed after ten days. As the hairs from the grafts continue to grow, they produce a natural, thickening look to your head. Before the procedure begins, the surgeon will inject local anaesthesia into your scalp. Sedation is available should you need it to relax and be more comfortable.
Depending on the severity of your hair loss, you may require several sessions of grafting to reach the kind of fullness you want to achieve for your hair. Each session includes 50 or more hair-growing grafts being transplanted. After each session, the healing process usually takes 2-4 months. You may encounter side effects after the transplant procedure, but these usually go away after 1-3 weeks. Common side effects include swelling, bruising around the eyes, itching on the donor sites, “crusting” on the donor and recipient sites, and a numb feeling around the donor and recipient sites.
Be warned a hair transplant is an expensive surgical procedure. Each session will cost you more than a thousand pounds, and the expenses would continue to rise if you come back for multiple sessions.
Contact us at Aspiration Hair to know more about our hair transplants London services.
Scalp reduction
If a hair transplant requires removing hair-growing segments from your scalp and transferring them to the bald areas of your head, scalp reduction on the other hand, requires surgically removing the non-hair growing skin from your scalp so that the surrounding hair-growing segments can be stretched to fill the bald areas of your head. This procedure is done by a licensed dermatological surgeon. It is more apt for covering bald spots on back and top of the head. And not usually recommended for bald or thinning frontal hairline. 
The dermatological begins by injecting local anaesthetic into your scalp. A portion of skin from your bald area is cut and removed. The surrounding skin is loosened and stretched gently so that the sections of hair-growing scalp can come together and then closed with stitches. Scalp reduction may be performed with hair transplant.
After the procedure, you may feel slight headaches which can be treated with pain relievers that are non-aspirin-based. Mild scalp tightness can also occur and last a few months.
Genetics is the main cause of hair loss in both men and women. Heredity accounts for 95% of hair loss cases all over the country. While you can’t stop genetics, there are certainly a number of options available for hair replacement London. If budget isn’t a big issue for you, the most effective option you can explore is a cosmetic procedure for hair loss treatments London.